Monday, September 21, 2009


My appologies for the lack of recent knitting posts. You see, my digital camera went digital kaput a little while ago, and what with being about to make the largest single purchase of our lives, I can't really justify a new one until we've written all those checks for the house. I may need to practice writing so many words in the written quantity line of a check so that I am ready to do it on the day.

Here are a few pictures taken when we first moved in back in the spring:

We expect to close in mid-October, so I finally feel safe posting pictures and saying that, "Oh yes, it will be ours."

Since the photos were taken, we've completely removed the chain link fence closing in the side yard, painted the garage, patched the roof, and done various inside repairs. We're beginning to create the Japanese inspired backyard Chris has envisioned and we've done a lot more planting, including some glorious sunflowers Chris has planted throughout the property.

I will try to scan some knitting to share soon.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Happy to see you posting--Love the house and can't wait to see pics of the Japanese garden! :)